Mar 15, 2010

Back to work

This weekend we decided to stay home or at least in the near area. One of the teachers, Elizabeth, wanted to visit a student who lived in the valley somewhere and we all went together on mountain bikes. It was amazingly beautiful to bike around in the valley, and fun, but with the altitude and our bad shape in mind, it was also extremely hard. We biked the whole morning from 8 till 2 in the afternoon and took the bus home. Stopping the bus when its already on its route is harder than it sounds, and after finally finding one and strapping our bikes to the roof, we were squeezed into a bus with no room for more people. Without a doubt the most uncomfortable bus ride of my life. Saturday night we went out to town in Urubamba but returned relatively early (around 2). For my part, it was because I had decided on getting up at 6 to watch the formula one grandprix with a local restaurant owner, also the owner of the only satellite television in town. It all went very well until power in the city died an hour into it. It didn´t come back for another 3 hours, and so I had missed the ending to my race despite getting up so early. However, I did manage to convince the tv owner to let me come by more often for the rest of the season as well as to watch football games at my own leisure = easier than going to Cusco.

After finding out that FCK-Broendby were playing, I found an internet cafe and managed to watch it online. The girls had in the meantime taken the bus to the Pisac market, a town around 45 minutes away from here with a supposedly huge market on sundays. Well satisfied with the result of the game, I hit the hammock for a few hours and did absolutely nothing for the rest of the day.

Today is Marco´s, one of the boys of the rainbow house, birthday and we plan on heading over there after school. Tried to find him an atlas or globe as a present considering his overwhelming knowledge of geography. On one of our first days, he surprised us danes by claiming that Denmark was indeed one of the largest countries in the world considering we had greenland to take into account. How does a 14 year old peruvian boy know this? Since then he has rambled on about countries, civil wars and knows far more than any of us about the world we live in, in terms of geography.

Speaking on my own behalf, i´m really beginning to miss certain aspects of life back home despite having a good time out here. Friends, family, living in a big city with constant electricity and most importantly, food. Rugbroed, leverpostej, haribo, lakrids, vingummier... CIS, you know what to do if you have any left over room in your luggage ^^.



  1. First.

    Nice post - get back here soon. I will have have beers, porno pizza, og en flaske eller to klar når du er hjemme.. :D

  2. snuh so cressehhhh...

    why would you wake up for the F1? the only interesting parts are the start and the last 5 laps :p

    but dude i love how all you talk about is the stuff you do in your free time and ac has to step in with another post to talk about the actual work you're doing :p

  3. det lyder godt, kolding mor!

  4. yo snuh man!

    i like that kid.... reminds me of myself at that age :p

    and when you get back we'll start running around the lakes to get you in shape cause you mention your out of shapeness way too much ;)

    and a huge rigtig dansk frokost awaits you... when we are settled in and all ;)

    dal (nu en civilist...)
