Mar 20, 2010

New volunteers, Rainbow House and Cusco night out

Wednesday we went to pick up a new volunteer, Andrea, in the airport. Went back and gave her the grand tour of Urubamba, and since it was Sct. Patricks day, Mary had decided to cook for all of us, and it was really great. It was also wednesday, night for going out in Urubamba, so of course we ended up at Tequila Bar.
Thursday there was no school, because there was a strike in town, so Alex and I went to help out Mel with some pictures for the Rainbow House. We went to the Rainbow House later as well, and helped the kids with their homework and watched some of Avatar in Spanish. Interesting...

Friday was spent preparing a song with the kids that they are supposed to be singing for the CIS people. After school we went to Cusco to go out. Checked in at the hotel and went to have dinner at Fallen Angel, the most amazing place in Cusco - the tables are bath tubs with fish covered by glass, and there are couches and puffs and funny light. Best place ever! The food was amazing as well.
Afterwards we went to a place called Mushrooms at Plaza de Armas, where we had a couple of drinks - we had been going out a bit early, so we decided to spice things up and make a race of who could finish a beer first. I won by far!

We went to have some salsa lessons after playing some pool, good fun. Then we decided to go barhopping for some free drinks - and I had the weirdest experience ever. I litterally had three people pulling my right arm and four pulling my left - all of them from different clubs, promising us two, three or four free drinks each if we just came to their club. So we did manage to get tipsy and have a great night out in Cusco without psending too much money.

We got up saturday morning to have breakfast at Jack's (of course!!!), and to head of to some markets. Alex and Mary went back to Urubamba after about half an hour of shopping, and Becky, Andrea and I stayed in Cusco to buy ourselves some gringo shirts...

The CIS people have arrived, and we'll be 8 people in the volunteer house and the students living next door, so it's going to be busy there!


  1. I've been to fallen angel! the bathrooms were really cool too :P ahhh jealous...

    tell ben ward to check his facebook wall and get back to me about a pint ASAP!

    keep up the posting


  2. i remember fallen angel too!!! i wasnt allowed to drink cause i was on meds but i sipped some booze when wardy and the others weren't looking ;)

    and great that CIS has arrived :)

    hilsen dal

  3. SN....we need to get your speedy beer drinking skills a little improved :P sounds like Cusco was amazing!!! :)
