Mar 27, 2010

Busy week

Sorry for the lack of updates, but with the CIS group being here, it has been quite a busy week. The day CIS got here, the areas water decided to call it quits and we were left without running water for 48 hours. With a new group of 20 CIS people in the building, the lack of toilets quickly became a problem and we had to stay away from the house as much as possible for our own sakes. These are just some of the conditions we have to just take with a pinch of salt and move on from. Also had the electricity die on us a few days ago, so its been a tough week to get through.

CIS has been working all week on building a house on the school grounds for Fernando and have gotten surprisingly far with an almost completed house standing as proof. None of them were picky and got straight down to work with mixing cement, carrying blocks and painting bits and pieces all over. Was very cool to see, and it was equally fun to show them around the school. The volunteers almost got a weeks break as the kids were more excited to see 15 blonde young kids walking around their school, not surprisingly. Unfortunately, a few of them were hit by salmonella and guardia, resulting in doctors visits and hospital visits too. As a matter of fact, every single volunteer, including myself, were hit with guardia (parasites). This being our cusco weekend, its a shame our medication says no drinking. AC has unfortunately, unlucky as she is, been hit with more than just the guardia and is now, again, hospitalized with a fun mix of salmonella, guardia and amoeba. She is doing well considering the circumstances, though and plans to leave already later today. She did however miss out on a Cusco city tour yesterday.

Found out just 2 days ago that next week there will be no school at all. Easter is massive down here, and celebrations go on for weeks. Either way, we plan to use the time to travel to Arequipa and Ica to see volcanoes and go sandsurfing, as well as the Nazca lines. Will come back and update more frequently,



  1. first!

    this trip sounds more exciting as time goes by, you're doing so much cool stuff

  2. hey snuh!

    must be awesome to go from being that little blond kid from europe over to help out the experienced volunteers to actually becoming the experienced volunteer :)

    and volcanoes and sandsurfing.... i'm jealous beyond measure....


  3. nick's right!! you guys are doing so much cool stuff and it just gets more and more exciting as time goes by! i'm sorry to hear about AC again :(
