Apr 8, 2010

After a great week in Ica, Nazca and Arequipa, it was back to work as usual. Its strange thinking we only have two weeks left at the center now and only 3 in peru. Trying to find a way to kill a weeks time in the end of april/beginning of may as AC is travelling to Galapagos. Planning on either staying in Cusco, Lima or La Paz. Anyone feel like coming out to visit either of these places???

Spent the day today doing what I do best, lying on the grass, occasionally telling some kid off, playing football and going to the park. I dont understand this school, I wish mine had been more like it. Morning started off with an hour and a half worth of baseball. Classes didnt seem more important apparently. Had a terrible day yesterday though, up in Chinchero. Started off with a girl tripping over my feet, faceplanting the pavement and breaking her nose. The next second, another girl ran into my legs, tripping over and hitting her head onto the ground, also bleeding alot. Not long after a third repeated the trick, and I looked in a bad situation when the teacher came running out with three loudly crying and bleeding kids lying next to me. What are the chances? Decided to stay clear of kids for the rest of the day, and today after this morning making another boy cry after accidentally tripping him over. I swear im usually good with kids.

Just a quick update this time, thanks for the comments. AND let me know if you wanna come visit during that week :-) Anyone is more than welcome, whether i know you or not.



  1. hey man!!!

    shame your not going to the Galapagos... :(

    i wish i could com visit but busy enough as it is.... we are going to the bahamas at the end of april for about 2 weeks so it'd be very tight :p

    and what a freak show! 3 girls snuh.... i feel sorry for you... must have been a very embarrassing and annoying situation to have found yourself in....

    hope you survive the last 3 weeks without anymore mishaps or sickness!

    dal (kontor assistant)

  2. *Often seen at hot nightclubs in copenhagen*

    Hot girl: "Wow, so what will you be doing in Peru?"
    Alex: I will be working with children.. I love kids, I could never dream of hurting them.. After all, they are our future.."

    Alex: *stupid kids keeping me away from my beers...*.. FACEPLANT x 3!!!!

  3. dude, snuh, seriously...

    you can't do that shit. they're just kids.

    i thought you were better than that.

  4. Ok. First of all I should warn you, because I reported you to the Policía Nacional del Perú.

    Second... Sounds like an amazing trip. Recently you have been doing so many cool things...

    I drool when I think about having a beer together the next time I see you. Would be nice to talk soon. I feel like it has been a while..

    Y una cosa más.. Beba más cerveza y déjame ver algunas fotos.

  5. lawl sounds like an amazing TRIP. or some amazing TRIPS, amirite?


    I WILL BEAT YOU TO A BEER WITH SNUH. i think. unless you're here when he comes back..?
