Apr 13, 2010

A lot of goodbyes...

Alex, my mom and I went to Fallen Angel wednesday night to show my mom the extraordinary restaurant - and it didn't let us down, as we had the best food ever combined with a glass of wine and a great dessert. Great goodbye-meal, as my mom was leaving on thursday morning.

We spent thursday in school doing workshop in the afternoon, Becky and I watching out for the Rainbow House kids in school because the substitute mother had something else to do. When we got back, we waited for Mary and her dad (that had been there since saturday) to get back from their trip to Machu Picchu, before we went to our favourite pizza plaze, Pizza Wasi, to have another goodbye-meal - for Andrea this time. She was leaving friday morning and seeing her say goodbye to all the kids was absolutely horrible - and it did not make me look forward to our last day!!!
After school we all went to Cusco to have our third goodbye-meal in a row - the last one leaving this week was Mary's dad, so we went out for dinner in Cusco and played some pool at Mushrooms, Mary's favourite going-out-place, and afterwards we went to have a lousy salsa lesson followed by a couple of hours discovering Cusco's nightlife yet another time.

The weekend was very relaxing - saturday we just chilled in the volunteer house, watching a couple of movies, and sunday we went for an amazing hike in the mountains - pictures are coming up!

I started monday measuring the weight and height of the oldest kids at the center in the first lesson - and got a chock to realize, when stepping on the weight myself, that I gained an annoying 4 kilos since I got here! Sooo, I just put myself on a two-day avocado diet starting today..

Yesterday Alex and I bought tickets from Lima to Guayaquil, May 1st - which means that we might be able to go to Galapagos! My dream is getting closer!
In the meantime, I am getting more and more sad, realizing that I had my second-last day in Chinchero today, we are going to the Rainbow House for the second-last time this afternoon, and that I will soon have to cry my eyes out because I'll be missing the center and all its people and animals like crazy once we're leaving....


  1. forstår det bliver hårdt for jer, det er nogle vidunderlige unger, rigtig god tur til galapagos ved at I kommer derud, take care, har skrevet hilsen til dig på facebook ac, hils sandermand

  2. hej i to!

    jeg håber alt godt på jeres sidste dage i TRC og at i kan få en rigtig god afsked med ungerne. jeg ved det bliver svært :(

    vi glæder os til nogle photos :)

    hilsen dal
