Apr 17, 2010

Work work work woooork

The last couple of days we've been working quite a lot. Wednesday was a fun day though - it was Orange Day, so we were all dressed in orange and had orange food and played balloon dancing and a lot of other really fun games.

Thursday I worked with a really happy Fernando (18, autist). I did hand massage and ludotherapy with him, using instruments and toys, playing with teddy bears and making cow sounds. He was in a great mood, and it really makes you happy when this 18-year old autist runs around the centre laughing and clapping his hands - especially when you know that you're part of the reason why he's happy, since he absolutely loves ludotherapy.
In the second class I helped out with Funcional, the oldest group. They were supposed to pick things that they liked from Orange Day and draw them with orange colours. I helped Fernando do a puzzle (one of the things that my aunt and mom sent me by the way - thanks!), and kept and eye on the other kids while doing it. Javier, a boy with downs syndrome, came and gave me a big hug telling me that I am pretty, while I was sitting on a chair helping Fernando. Later, Kattya, 20, also downs syndrome, told me that she loved me and that she will miss me when I'm gone. I am never gonna be able to leave!
In the afternoon we made jewellery with the oldest kids - lovely! :D

Friday I worked in inicial with the smallest kids, as always focusing on my favourite, Benjamin. He was playing with some wax that he was really fascinated by, and that kept his concentration for more than 2 minutes - which is absolutely incredible!

In the second class I worked on the computer organizing photos from Orange Day, and Becky and I had to stay at the center till 3.30 before we could leave, starving. Good day though.

Today has been a very relaxing day - reading, going for a walk, having lunch at Misky Song'o... Tonight we're going out in Urubamba, a thing we haven't done for long - hopefully it'll be fun! :)

1 comment:

  1. hey!

    I can see it will be hard to leave... :(

    hope you're night out was fun!

