Feb 16, 2010

Chinchero 15/2

A little update about yesterday. I went to Chinchero with James, and as we waited for the kids to show up, we cleaned the floor, which was soaked in water because of the rain. We did not expect a lot of kids, since only one had showed up half an hour after they should have been there - however, we ended up having about 20 kids to teach!
We started out with brain gym - very basic brain gym, as there were a lot of new students. Then they had a snack, did some drawings and had lunch. One boy, Daniel, did an amazing drawing. A shame it had to stay at the school! A short school day, but quite hard anyway.

The difference between Pasitos Chinchero and the Rainbow Centre is huge. All the kids are clean when they show up in the Rainbow Centre, they're all very positive and outwards, and the kids in Chinchero are all very shy, and most of them wear dirty clothes and some have skin diseases. You can easily tell there's a lot of work to do in Chinchero, and I might go there more than just once a week when regular school starts...

Today we're off to the Rainbow Centre in a couple of hours. I've been with the kids in the park during school time, some of them went swimming - a lot of fun!

Still have amazing pictures to upload, but the internet here os soooooo slow!


  1. nye billeder!! nice, ( Jeg håber i forstår dansk stadig :P - jk ;)) Lækkert med Skype!!! Endelig :D

  2. hi ac skønt at tale med dig og Matilde..... så fik jeg også lært lidt spansk....:-)kær tøs kan godt forstå du er vild med hende og vidunderlige billeder flere af dem..knuz mor

  3. the work with the kids sounds like its going great!! how is it going with the spanish though?? and i can't wait to see more pictures!!
