Feb 6, 2010

The rainbow center

Today was our first day at the rainbow center. Woke up around 7:30 in order to be ready for the day at the center at 9 to rain rain and more rain, but a beautiful view of the mountains with snow in the background. Much like my worries last time of how I would react to seeing all the kids, they were once again put to shame. You are immediately greeted like one of them and you feel welcome and appreciated straight away. We stayed in the shadows today as we will in the beginning of next week and just watched what was going on. We spent an hour on brain gym (morning ritual to get the day started) in the morning which due to rainy weather had become a play session in one of the classrooms instead, where we were both picked on and had to put on our best show of making different animal noices, a fierce dog myself, if i may say so.

For me especially, I was looking forward to seeing how many of the students i would recognize and how many of them would recognize me. All of them did, and even remembered my promise of being back in two years time. There was surprisingly few new students at the school and so it was great to see someone like Gervacio be his usual self and Sharon boogi-ing down to anything resembling a beat. The stuff we painted last time, the swings etc., still looked as colorful as ever but could do with a little retouch. CIS?

Had two hours of spanish lessons this afternoon. Been a while since weve had to use our brains for anything challenging so now im stuck with a headache and if possible, worse spanish skills than this morning. Elizabeth, one of the teachers at the center is coming over for dinner and some beers later today, and i´m heading to Cusco tomorrow morning at 7 to watch Liverpool-Everton as James, british volunteer, has convinced me its the right thing to do. Followed by a rugby match and then the market by which time the girls will have made their way there. Will then check into a hostal and have a hopefully fun night out in Cusco.

Alex :)


  1. hej med jer det er vel nok dejligt at blive briefet så detaljeret, føler næsten jeg er er :-) Det må have været skønt for dig Sander at genkende så mange og dejligt for dem at vide at man holder ord...Her er det tøvejr så den smukke sne er nu den jordfarve som ingen gider se på. Kolding fjord er frosset til og i dag har jeg set masser af isbåde derude...Håber alt vel kys til jer begge

  2. lol, even in Peru a brit will find a way of finding an English football match! :D

    Take care mate! :)

  3. HEY!!!! sorry I've been so slow to comment, but i just got back from skiing, and the internet was very limited, so i didn't have time to read all the posts :( but now I have, and the journey and everything sounds AMAZING!!! apart from the few set backs, but at least you guys were being fornuftig :P i drove past your street this morning and realized just how much im gonna miss you these next few months! Hope the night out in Cusco went well! :P

    amalie :)

  4. Rugby!? which game?! I cant even watch rugby here! I'm so jealous :( sounds like you two have made yourselves quite at home there rather quickly, great! :) and great to hear that the reuniting at TRC (the rainbow center) went as it did.

    cant wait to read more!!

  5. Wow, Alex it sounds amazing :)
    So happy that you guys are blogging, its great to be able to share some of your experiences
    It's so cool that the kids remember you!
    Lots of Love and positive energy
