Feb 3, 2010


This one will be in english, sorry :-)

After two amazing days in Lima with Pacific ocean sunsets, warm weather and good food, we´ve managed to move on and are now currently checked in at the volunteer house in Urubamba. Our flight to Cusco from Lima was very uneventful, and almost empty as Machu Picchu has been closed for the next two months due to the heavy rainfall. Although not affecting us, there are constant reminders such as landslides, wrecked houses and roads being partly blocked by stones although not having any impact what so ever on a peruvian taxi driver going (parents look away) 100+ on small deserted roads. Very glad we didnt rent a car anywhere down here; traffic in Lima is intense. Cars squeeze in wherever they see a 10 cm gap. They are extremely aggresive and the horn is used more often than not.

The volunteer house in Urubamba is not exactly the most luxurious - a room with two beds and a drawer for our clothes. A nice view however of the plaza outside where we so far, after only having been here for about 3 hours, have seen pigs, ostriches, chickens, goats and donkeys casually taking a stroll. Just got back from a small lunch with the coordinator of the project, Melanie, where we were introduced to two of the other three volunteers working here, who all seem very nice. Can definetly feel the height difference, our drive from Cusco to Urubamba took us to 4200m, and we both feel a little light headed and dizzy, although nothing serious. We have the rest of the day today and tomorrow to relax and get to know the area before we are introduced to the rainbow centre on friday. Will strive to get some pictures up and running on here sometime soon in the next few days.

Hasta luego.


  1. we are looking forward to see your pictures
    hugs and kisses from Koldingmother.

  2. HAHA, I remember the cab ride we endured as well... Sounds like things are running smoothly and that's just dandy :p Reading your last post made me think about the trip in 9th grade and I have to say I'm rather jealous... Can't wait to read what you both think about the Regnbuehus and before I forget: ostriches!?!? I mean, I expected a lama or two but really?.... ostriches!

  3. hey snuh! Great to hear that you're having a blast so far, even though you've had to face a few obstacles, but nevertheless, hope you enjoy yourself! :D ps: I think writing your blog in english is a good idea ;D Enjoy Peru!

  4. i am really enjoying the blog! it brings back a lot of memories, and i am truly jealous!! and you put up pics! yay! good luck on the rest of the trip! i will be following the blog everyday, and i cant wait to hear more about your exciting adventures! kram fra DK :)

  5. So I see you are learning a little spanish. Try and get really good so we can speak in summer!
    The trip sounds amazing.

    ps. rain is lluvia :)

  6. Thanks for the support guys :-)
