Feb 16, 2010

Small update

Just a quick update this time. Friday night we all went out to our project coordinators house for dinner and had a great time. The evening was followed up by a night out in Urubamba, as crazy as it gets. We had a great time in each others company, an saturday we invented the best hangover cure in the world: danish pancakes and a water fight with the kids. It cured the uncureable. Poor AC should never had made pancakes the first time since were now expecting more anyday!

Sunday we went to Ollantaytambo, a small village about half an hour from Urubamba. We had heard of some festival there and decided it was worth a days trip. As previously mentioned, the month of february is a little intense on the water down here, and as it turns out, weekends are even worse. There is no mercy for gringos what so ever, and it really is best to stay in doors. Just on the way to Ollantaytambo we had to close windows in the car several times to block buckets of water. We´ve actually bought quite the water cannon and now never ever leave the house unarmed. It was almost worse in Ollantaytambo and 50 kids charging at us from all directions forced us to have an early lunch at the closest restaurant (shelter). We headed towards the so called bull run in town (due to the festival) and saw a wall of water created by kids using balloons, buckets, anything. I managed to bribe a police officer to get us through for 5 soles (10 kroner) but half way through he seemed to vanish and we were drenched in less than a second. The bull running then turned out to be a bull fight which was a mixed experience. Interesting to see culturally, but less interesting because its so brutal. It didn´t look like the bulls were tortured, and neither were they killed, but it we still had mixed feelings about it.

Today was spent more or less peacefully at the rainbow center for me and chinchero for AC. Have made plans to take monday off for an extended stay in Puno, the city closest to Lake Titicaca which we will then visit. Will cross a few miles into Bolivia (apparently the most beautiful side of the lake) which then also allows us to renew our visas. Parents, it is NOT dangerous - it is a hugely visited tourist spot. The first week of march the center is closed due to a transition between summer school and regular school and we have therefore decided to head up north to mancora, partly to visit the other center and partly just to relax, perhaps learn how to surf and lie on the beach for a good 5 days. Plane to Lima and bus from Lima to Mancora will take about 24 hours but costs less than 600 kroner all together, including return tickets.

Thanks for the comments everyone, keep them coming, great to hear from you all.



  1. Hej I to oplevelsesdyr, har været inde at se Lake Titicaca og nej er ikke bekymret, bare misundelig..... mor kolding.

  2. Hello "Gringos".
    Syntes ikke jeg hører andet end historier om tømmermænd-husk at det vand i slås med også kan DRIKKES !!!-Nå er glad for i hygger jer og oplever meget.Følger som sædvanligt med på G-earth og kan se hvor flot der er.Fortsat god tur.Far Langelinie.

  3. lawl titicaca.. yeah? yeah??


  4. everything still sounds so amazing!! it's really good that you guys are coming out and about in the country and seeing so much stuff! i can't wait to see pictures of Lake Titicaca, as i do wish to go there myself!! the water sounds like a lot of fun...for a day, but i can't imagine it being fun for days in a row :P p.s- would've love to see you bribe a police man!! :) :)

  5. so ragnar beat me to comment on titicaca first...
    i will still say it.. :) titicaca ROFL

    btw. that really wasnt a small update. not complaining but really when i first started it was quite misleading >:(
